The “hands with heart” coaching system is a comprehensive, all-natural journey to total health transformation.
As one of the top holistic bodyworkers in the Bay Area with twenty years of muscle therapy expertise, I have seen it all, and have successfully treated a significant range of physical pain stemming from acute injury to chronic illness.
What I have become exceptionally skilled with is treating pain at the root level, and helping my clients go deep in revitalizing the foundation of their health. The “hands with heart” coaching is not the same as a package of a series of muscle therapy sessions- it is my signature offering to my clients: a personalized wellness journey with me lasting 3-9 months.
I specifically designed this program for clients who are committed to leaving pain behind for good, and establishing a renewed relationship with their body in order to achieve results that run far deeper than the physical- so much is possible when you have the energy and vitality needed to run your dream lifestyle.
Program Facts
What type of results can I expect?
Results from my unique body-mind coaching system are deep, rippling across all aspects of my clients’ lives. My clients often experience results such as the following:
Health: much deeper and more rejuvenating sleep, significant reduction in stress levels, fewer visits to medical professionals such as doctors and chiropractors (saving time and money), naturally higher energy levels
Career: increased mental clarity and productivity at work
Relationships: better relationships with their spouses and kids due to having more time and energy for family
Long term pain is a problem that often causes my clients to feel frustrated, hopeless, and debilitated. By treating the problem at its core, not only do my clients save a significant amount of time and money treating pain, they also get the fun parts of their lives back: experiences such as playing frisbee with their kids pain-free, energy freed up to enjoy a game of golf or basketball with friends, and breaking the cycle of pain-relief-pain to get real freedom- wellness that lasts.
The real value of the program is not only delivered during the program length, but is an investment that will repay itself many times over. One of the greatest benefits my clients gain is the understanding of how to take care of their health afterwards so that they can prevent lifestyle related diseases that are thought to come with age, but actually come from the accumulation of many years of stressful living.
Why “Hands With Heart” Coaching?
Through my journey as a holistic healer, I have found coaching to be extremely pivotal to long term success in regaining vitality. Without changing the mental and emotional patterns that lead to lifestyle stress, pain often returns swiftly without regular muscle therapy sessions.
Experience has taught me that it is not enough to treat only the body with muscle therapy, change must be made on a lifestyle level to sustain long term wellness.
What is “Hands With Heart” Coaching Like?
My signature system for resolving pain is based on creating optimal wellness through a multi-pronged approach. We tackle the health issues from several angles, so that no stone is left unturned:
- We heal the physical body through muscle therapy, energy healing, and detoxification.
- We transform the mental and emotional patterns that create health-sabotaging behavior through coaching.
How do I know if “Hands With Heart” Coaching is for me?
As a holistic healer and coach, one of my long-held observations is that health is holistic, and when you heal your body and create an environment for optimal health, the results ripple over to every aspect of your life.
My coaching programs are not for those who seek superficial band-aid solutions- I’ve found through experience that quick fixes do not provide lasting results for my clients.
What I care most about doing is helping you create a foundation for long term wellness- which includes health and wellness coaching, muscle therapy, energy healing, as well as creating lifestyle systems you can implement at home to maintain the results you achieve for the long term.
Why Carolyn?
My studies in holistic healing are deep and extensive:
- Traditional schooling and certification in massage therapy from De Anza College, Cupertino and the Body Therapy Center, Palo Alto
- Training in energy healing modalities that expedite massage therapy results such as Reiki Master Certification, Access Bars & Body Processes Certification, Cranio Sacral Balancing,
- Training in chiropractic techniques such as the Rock Tape Certification, Trigger Point Release for TMJ
- Training in detoxification from heavy metal and toxins- Lymphatic Drainage I from the Upledger Institute
- Intuitive Reading- The Art of Intuitively Reading Energy from Beverly Bellings
- Coaching Training and Certification- BodyMind Coach Training with Laura Wieck, Sacred Depths Coach Training Level I&II with Joanna Lindenbaum.
My clients often call me “the body whisperer”,because I merge my muscular intuition (my ability to quickly read which areas in your body hold the tension and pain) with my practical intuition (my ability to translate the body’s messages about what lifestyle changes need to occur) to coach you on a deep and impactful level.
What length of coaching would be best for me?
Most of my clients coach with me from a length of 3-9 months, depending on the severity of the issue that brought them into the office. In general, a program length of 3-4 months is perfect for clients with acute/stress related pain focused on one or two areas of the body.
A program length of 6-9 months is a better fit for a client who is in a deep health crisis, and frustrated with chronic/severe re-occuring pain that may stem from a lifetime of stress, trauma, or long term illness.