Loving Yourself From The Inside Out: Healing Holistically from Physical & Emotional Pain
Pain is an inevitable part of life, but how we respond to pain, both physical and emotional, can be complicated.
Loving Yourself from the Inside Out takes readers on a beautiful journey of (re)connecting all the parts of themselves – body, mind, heart, and soul – in order to truly love themselves. Learn how painful moments in life are simply the body’s way of communicating what is no longer working and an opportunity to explore what is possible when we look within.
Come play with me!
Reserve a spot to experience Loving Yourself
90 minutes session
Published at BodyMind Living Magazine
Being Present to What is Possible
Joy is staying the leader of your life, honoring your heart’s call to action for yourself. What I learned is that our heart invites us to action steps that allow the building of self-trust and self-certainty. Read More →
Fear & Uncertainty in a New Relationship
Uncertainty evokes fear. I have often wondered and doubted whether I’d be in another relationship and be in love ever again. Being twice divorced, in my mid 50’s with adult children… how do you start, again? Read More →
An Invitation to Trust Yourself
As a recovering people pleaser and over giver, I learned that my boundaries were non-existent. Being the eldest child of Filipino immigrants, my job was to be the dutiful, eldest daughter. That means I sacrificed my own needs. Read More →
Stillness is Medicine For The Soul
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An Invitation to Your Whole Being
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